Poker Players Rights

Online Poker in the U.S. – Current Legislation

As the battles for online poker continue on, there are some that have been won and some that have been lost.  Currently 4 states have active online poker bills: California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Texas.

However, this isn’t to say online poker is legal in these states yet, in fact Texas may never see online poker again.  It seems the bills never get going, and end up stalling in committee.

April 26th, 2013|Poker Players Rights|Comments Off on Online Poker in the U.S. – Current Legislation

Online Poker and Internet Gambling in the US – Part III

“Online gamblers are not necessarily losing a lot of money; they are just on there 14 hours a day to the detriment of their work and family life. Problem gambling is not just about the money. ”
– Keith Whyte, National Council on Problem Gambling

In our last two posts, we discussed the newly pending legislation in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives and the huge boon it could be to the online poker industry. In this post, we will discuss the other side of the coin – the people and organizations who are against online poker and online gambling in general.

March 24th, 2010|Poker Players Rights|Comments Off on Online Poker and Internet Gambling in the US – Part III

Presidential Candidate’s Views on Internet Gambling and Online Poker

Recently, the Poker Players Alliance (PPA) put out a call for all online poker players to register to vote. As chairman Alfonse D’Amato put it, "If you play, have a say!" This short blog is to remind you that if you haven’t registered to vote, the deadline is probably coming up in your state. If you go to the Poker Players Alliance voter registration site at you can register to vote in any state, so long as the deadline has not passed.

October 3rd, 2008|Poker Players Rights|Comments Off on Presidential Candidate’s Views on Internet Gambling and Online Poker