Because of the element of luck in poker, it takes a significant amount to time to determine whether you are a long-term winning or losing player. A skilled player could actually be losing after 6 months of play, because of poor luck with the cards they are dealt! Likewise, a player with significant weaknesses in their game could actually be winning after 6 months.
However, by analyzing your play on a controlled set of hands, we are able to objectively measure your true poker skill in every significant area of play, in a short period of time. Your poker skills will be tested and analyzed in over 30 categories! Among the skills being tested are:
- Correct hand selection
- Correct actions (bet/raise/check/fold)
- Correct bet/raise size
- Play from the Blinds
- Play from different positions
- Knowing the pot odds
- Opponent’s possible hand ranges
- Aggressiveness/Passive Play
- Blind stealing
- Adjusting for previous action in the hand
- Adjusting for previous action at the table
- Using your play on prior streets to your advantage
- Playing in raised pots
- Slowplaying
- Check-raising
- Bluffing
- Defending against aggressive play
- Knowing when to push All-in
- Understanding opponent’s tendencies
- Understanding opponent’s stack size
- Pot control
- Playing too “fancy”
- Pre-flop play
- Flop, Turn, and River play
- Many other subcategories of the above skills
This complete analysis of your game can potentially improve your winnings by THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.