
2508, 2013

Report from the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open

August 25th, 2013|Live Events|Comments Off on Report from the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open

I made the 5-hour drive down to Hollywood, FL this week, for the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open.  With over $12,500,000 in guaranteed prizes, this was a series not to be missed.  Nothing like this has ever come to Florida before, and I must say, it was one of the most well-run tournaments I’ve been to.  Although the crowds were large, I rarely waited in line to buy in, the tournaments started on time, and the dealers and floormen were outstanding.  Which believe me, isn’t always the case – some of you may remember me being critical of a series at Foxwoods once, with long lines, delays, and not-so-knowledgeable floors.

2604, 2013

Online Poker in the U.S. – Current Legislation

April 26th, 2013|Poker Players Rights|Comments Off on Online Poker in the U.S. – Current Legislation

As the battles for online poker continue on, there are some that have been won and some that have been lost.  Currently 4 states have active online poker bills: California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Texas.

However, this isn’t to say online poker is legal in these states yet, in fact Texas may never see online poker again.  It seems the bills never get going, and end up stalling in committee.

607, 2010 to Donate 100% of July Poker Training Revenues to Oil Spill Victims

July 6th, 2010|Site News|Comments Off on to Donate 100% of July Poker Training Revenues to Oil Spill Victims

We have decided to donate 100% of our monthly poker training membership revenues for all new memberships during the month of July, 2010, to victims of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. We will make the donation to Second Harvest Food Bank. We feel like this is the socially responsible thing for us to do. Many of our friends and family members live on the gulf coast, and they are going to face hardships for many years as a result of this accident. We believe our members will be glad to know that we are helping out a good cause, and it is a good opportunity for poker players to help out and get use of a valuable poker training service that many online poker players pay for anyway. We believe that we will be able to make a substantial contribution to a worthy cause, and help out our neighbors on the gulf coast.

2403, 2010

Online Poker and Internet Gambling in the US – Part III

March 24th, 2010|Poker Players Rights|Comments Off on Online Poker and Internet Gambling in the US – Part III

“Online gamblers are not necessarily losing a lot of money; they are just on there 14 hours a day to the detriment of their work and family life. Problem gambling is not just about the money. ”
– Keith Whyte, National Council on Problem Gambling

In our last two posts, we discussed the newly pending legislation in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives and the huge boon it could be to the online poker industry. In this post, we will discuss the other side of the coin – the people and organizations who are against online poker and online gambling in general.

1203, 2010

Internet Gambling and Online Poker in the US – The Latest News Part II

March 12th, 2010|General|Comments Off on Internet Gambling and Online Poker in the US – The Latest News Part II

“The proper role of the federal government is not that of a nanny, protecting citizens from any and every potential negative consequence of their actions. Although I personally believe gambling to be a dumb waste of money, American citizens should be just as free to spend their money playing online poker as they should be able to buy a used car, enter into a mortgage, or invest in a hedge fund. Risk is inherent in any economic activity, and it is not for the government to determine which risky behaviors Americans may or may not engage in.” – Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)

In our last post, we discussed the newly pending legislation in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. In this post, we would like to discuss the lobbying activities of organizations interested in legalizing online poker in the U.S.

303, 2010

Internet Gambling and Online Poker in the U.S. – the Latest News Part I

March 3rd, 2010|General|Comments Off on Internet Gambling and Online Poker in the U.S. – the Latest News Part I

“Americans ought to be free to do what they want with their own money” – Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass)

Congressman Frank summarizes the feelings of many Americans with his support of Internet gambling in the United States. He has been a staunch supporter of officially legalizing, regulating, and taxing Internet gambling, and he has recently received support from many very big power names in the worlds of gambling and politics. Over the next several posts, we are going to provide an update on the state of Internet gambling in the U.S., what attempts are being made in Congress to regulate and tax Internet gambling, what these efforts might mean to online poker, and what you can do to help out the cause.

811, 2009

2009 World Series of Poker Final Table — Recap

November 8th, 2009|General|Comments Off on 2009 World Series of Poker Final Table — Recap


These are some of my comments about the WSOP final table. The heads up part won’t be played until tomorrow night, and then it will be on ESPN on Tuesday. If you don’t want to know anything until you see it on TV, read no further.


The four month break gave everyone a chance to take some poker lessons. More than that, it gave them a chance to round up a posse. Several of the November Nine had large, very vocal cheering sections. Fights were even breaking out, and spectators were being ejected. I’m not making this up! But the rest of the audience – I mean everybody – was for Phil Ivey. Even when Ivey just took down the blinds, the crowd would roar with approval. But it wasn’t meant to be…

2602, 2009

Introducing our New Fixed Limit Holdem Poker IQ Test

February 26th, 2009|Site News|Comments Off on Introducing our New Fixed Limit Holdem Poker IQ Test

We are pround to introduce our new fixed limit holdem test, available now for our members.  The test consists of 50 challenging hands, designed to test your skill at some of the more difficult aspects of Fixed Limit Holdem.

The test comes complete with a professional replay, conducted by noted online fixed limit player and coach BigBadBabar.  His expert advice was also used in preparing the hand-by-hand personal replayer and analyzer that our members also get to use with this test.  It’s just like having one of the top limit coaches spot you for 50 difficult hands, with most of them playable.

To take the test, sign into your account and click the fixed limit test link on the left side of your member page.  If you are not already a member, click the “Train Now” link above or just sign up at this link to start your personalized poker training program, including all our tests, training plans, professional replays, and personalized hand-by-hand replay analysis.

2601, 2009

World Series of Poker Academy Adopts our Poker Training Technology

January 26th, 2009|Site News|Comments Off on World Series of Poker Academy Adopts our Poker Training Technology

When the World Series of Poker Academy needed a way to accurately assess the skills of their participants, they chose to design exclusive software for use at their poker training academy. This software is used to give their students a detailed, custom analysis of their poker skills, and is based on the same analysis technology that our members enjoy on a daily basis.

3012, 2008

Fold Equity in NL Holdem Poker SitNGo Tournaments

December 30th, 2008|Poker Training Tips|Comments Off on Fold Equity in NL Holdem Poker SitNGo Tournaments

Fold equity is possibly one of the most misunderstood terms in all of poker.  If you Google “fold equity”, nearly half of the information you get is incorrect.  This is not meant to be a comprehensive discussion of fold equity, it is meant to briefly address the importance of fold equity in NL SitNGo tournaments.